It's been a while since I've updated...
Don't forget to vote on my
Brickfish entry, Dreams of Rock 'n' Roll!!! Every vote helps!
Since my last post, I have borrowed two lenses from my uncle! The first is a 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6, which is pretty sweet! It's a lot like my kit lens, except longer, which is great. That was one of the most frustrating things about the 18-55mm... Hopefully, I will be purchasing this lens soon. =] Then, I am also borrowing the 35-70mm f/2.8 lens... which is really amazing. I love using it! I've done a lot of flower pictures already.
This week, I am doing a senior session for Stacie! So, I will get to use my new lenses! =D ...Provided the weather cooperates. I will hopefully have some of those posted by Thursday... Then, on Thursday, I am shooting some pictures of Sarah, just for fun. =] So, it will be a fun week!
Last piece of news... I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'd like to create a collection of photos taken every day for a year! I will probably post them on here [if not every day] every few days. My friend, Nicole, did the same thing
here. Wish me luck! =]
